How to make felt owl covers for your electronics
This tutorial will work for I phones, I pods, I pads, Droids and more.
Follow the same steps for all electronics, the only difference will be the size you cut our felt pieces for the cover (step 1).
What you will need:
Felt- two different shades of brown, blue, orange and white.
matching thread for the two shades of brown
two beads or buttons
Fabric-tac (fabric glue)
sewing needles
sewing machine
Step 1:
Chose which shade of brown you would like your cover to be and cut two rectangles of the same size.
This is where the different measurements come in for the different electronics. (You can google them.)
Today I will be showing you the i phone 4
measurements are
width: 2.31 inches
height: 4.5 inches
for all electronics add 1/2 inch to the width and 1/4 inch to the height
so for the i phone 4
cut to felt pieces at
width: 2.81 inches
height: 4.75 inches
Step 2:
place the two felt pieces together and sew a 1/4 inch in from the edge of the fabric on your sewing machine around 3 of the edges (2 longs sides and 1 short side)
sew this using the thread that matches your other shade of brown that you will be useing for the owls body
example: tan felt/ brown thread
Step 3:
cut out
using a different shade of brown felt than used for the cover, cut out a body for the owl
have fun with this make it creative and your own or you can use the brown shape in the picture below.
two eyes out with the blue felt
two smaller white pupils using the white felt
and a diamond shaped nose with the orange or yellow felt.
Step 4:
Using a different shade of thread sew V shapes onto the body of your owl for the feathers
Step 5:
Sew your beads of buttons onto the white felt circles.
I positioned mine into the bottom left part of the circle so the owl would appear to be look to the left.
Step 6:
Fabric glue your owl together!
Position the eyes and nose onto the body and glue.
Then position your owl on the the case and glue!
Enjoy your owl covers! This is June's 2nd tutorial so if anything was unclear or if you have any questions please e-mail us!
Or if you want to order one from us (for $12) we are always taking custom orders!
June is having a Valentines Day sale starting today though Feb 14th